Sure Start, Sure Future Conference Fringe

Thank you very much to everyone who packed our Labour Party Conference fringe event to the rafters. Special thanks to our superb panel of Polly Toynbee, Sharon Hodgson MP, Anne Longfield from 4Children and Karen Jennings from UNISON.

fewer-sure-starts-1.jpgWe were delighted with both the turnout at the event and the quality of the debate at it. Contributors were adamant that even in times of the darkest austerity, Sure Start funding must be protected and prioritised. There was also a strong consensus that public health partnerships were fundamental to the future of Sure Start.

We are still warmly welcoming further contributions to the debate on the future of Sure Start. Take a look at our pamphlet, Sure Start Sure Future and let us know your thoughts by emailing or Tweeting @LabourSureStart.


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