New Pamphlet launch

Labour Councillors are the frontline in protecting Sure Start from brutal Government cuts.

LFoSS’ new pamphlet highlights the excellent work of Labour Councils across the country and starts a debate on how to protect Sure Start services in the hard years ahead.

Please join us for an evening of discussion at the pamphlet launch: 7pm on the 18th April in the Wilson Room, Portcullis House, Westminster. We have a fantastic panel lined up:

·            Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP, former Cabinet Minister closely involved in the development of Sure Start.

·            Jenny Chapman MP, Shadow Childcare Minister.

·            Sharon Hodgson MP, Shadow Children’s Minster.

Plus we’ll be hearing from some of the Councils featured in the pamphlet and from our friends at Unison who have generously supported this project.

But the real aim of the evening is to open up a debate on what local authority provision of Sure Start should look like in the future.

With the long-delayed “ghost consultation” on the future of Sure Start FINALLY promised in the summer, we want to build a strong consensus on what a future model of Sure Start could look like. We will then campaign hard for this model throughout the consultation.

To kickstart this process we want our pamphlet launch to bring together a broad, diverse audience of people with a passion for Sure Start.

All are extremely welcome, but we’d particularly welcome Parliamentarians, those who work in Children’s Centres and those who are currently Labour Councillors.

We hope you can come along and share your views: 7pm on 18th April in the Wilson Room, Portcullis House – drop us an email:

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