
Labour Friends of Sure Start exists to campaign.

We are passionate about supporting communities campaigning to protect their Sure Start Centres. And we campaign regularly for the Labour Party, the creators and strongest supporters of Sure Start.

Sure Start Community Campaigning workshops

In July 2013 we held our first ever Sure Start Community Campaigning workshop. We brought together Sure Start users and campaigners from across the country to share their experiences with the Shadow Children’s Minister, Sharon Hodgson MP.

Fantastic turnout for our first Community Campaigning workshop
Fantastic turnout for our first Community Campaigning workshop

It was a friendly and passionate afternoon of debate. In the words of a campaigner and mum who traveled all the way from Yorkshire to London to be there: “It was an inspiring day. Truly motivating how much Sure Start is loved.”

Local Sure Start campaigns 

There are fantastic campaigns all across the country to protect Sure Start. Labour Friends of Sure Start has supported campaigns from Portsmouth to Rotherham to Lincolnshire – and we’re always delighted to provide advice and encouragement to community campaigners. Please get in touch if you are campaigning for your Sure Start facilities:

Cutting Sarah Teather

As Children’s Minister, Sarah Teather slashed Sure Start funding.

She approved the brutal cuts to the Early Intervention Grant which forced Councils to find impossible savings. 401 Centres have closed thanks to the decisions of her, her Lib Dem friends and their Tory accomplices.

In May 2013 we held our first ever Labour Friends of Sure Start Campaign Afternoon in Teather’s own constituency: Brent Central in London.

LFoSS Campaigning session 1We had a fantastic turnout including one super-supporter who travelled all the way from Tamworth to be present! Warm thanks to everyone who came along.

We targetted an area with lots of young families and delivered hundreds of leaflets contrasting Teather’s brutal cuts with the proactive steps taken by the local Labour Council to keep open all the Children’s Centres in Teather’s home Borough.

We also chatted with dozens of families, including one early years worker who was very concerned by the Government’s childcare policy.

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