A Strong Team in place: time to take the fight to the Tories

“I left school at 16, pregnant, with no qualifications. Some may argue I was not a great role model for today’s young people. The direction of my life was set but something happened. Labour’s Sure Start centres gave me and my friends, and our children, the help and support we needed to grow and develop. … More A Strong Team in place: time to take the fight to the Tories


Finally all our pestering has paid off! At last the Government have relented and announced a timescale for their long-delayed consultation on the future of Children’s Centres. It’ll now be in Summer 2016 – exactly a year after it was first announced. Still: better late than never. Worryingly, rather than the inclusive, stand alone consultation we … More Hallejuah!

Sure Start works. Government policy doesn’t.

Oh dear. The Government has been caught red-handed trying to hide politically embarrassing new research on the impact of Sure Start. Politically embarrassing because this same Government has halved Sure Start funding and is constantly talking the programme down. Awkwardly the new Oxford University research proves once again that Sure Start provides a truly transformative service for … More Sure Start works. Government policy doesn’t.

Consultation into Children’s Centres

On the 13th July Childcare Minister Sam Gyimah announced that he was launching a consultation into children’s centres as he felt that “not enough centres were good or outstanding”. 7 weeks later and we have been given no further information since what seems like an opening precursor to dismantling the network of children’s centres created … More Consultation into Children’s Centres

Leadership Candidate Mary Creagh writes on Children’s Centres

Sure Start transforms lives forever. It is one of Labour’s greatest ever achievements and it is under brutal attack by the Tories. Labour Friends of Sure Start believes that the future of our Children’s Centres should be a key issue in this Leadership contest. So we wrote to every candidate for Leader and Deputy Leader … More Leadership Candidate Mary Creagh writes on Children’s Centres